Friday 24 August 2007

Sperm donors

Many cases are coming out now, where men have given a sperm donation in the past, to a woman that wants a child. They then had nothing to do with the child, which was agreed to. It was supposed to be completely anonomous. The man did not want a child and did not agree to bring it up or to have his details given out.

However, now some children are finding their biological fathers, even though they were produced through a sperm clinic.

Is this right?

The father's did not want to be found, and wanted no responsibility. They did a nice thing in the past, and gave some woman a chance to have a child. So if it was agreed that it would be anonomous, why can the child now find their biological father? Is this right?

Will this stop men from donating in the future?

Contraception in Schools

Youngsters of fifteen and sixteen have easy access to contraception at schools. In sex education and often, PSHE (Physical Social health Education) a youngster can simply ask for condoms and advice on the pill without their parents consent.

Should this be allowed? Of course, parents are outraged that their children can be given contraception at school as it is an encouragement for them to have sex and underage sex. On the other hand, how many pregnant teens would there be today if youngsters didn't have access to condoms and other contraceptives?

Should parents be told? Or should parents have to give consent for their child to receive contraceptives through school ? Or do we accept that the child is acting responsibly by using contraception and hope that they will take care of themselves?

Experiments on animals

Should they be allowed?

Humans have human rights, and cannot be experimented on unless permission is given. So why are animals not given these rights? What makes us better than them other than us being at the top of the food chain? Why should they be put through pain and suffering just so that women can wear make up, and we can cure foot fungi.

Even medical experiments, why aren't they tested on humans then if it's to benefit the human race. Hurt the animals to help the humans? Is that okay in this world?

Should the animals have rights as we humans do, or should we continue to abuse them to help our own race?

Adoption by same-sex couples

Is this right?

Of course there is nothing wrong with same-sex couples wanting to have children, but does this pose problems for the child in later life? Would they perhaps getting bullied for having two fathers or two mothers? Or do we live in a society today, that does not discriminate against homosexuals.

Would too many children be on the adoption list, and in care without same-sex couples being allowed to adopt?
Besides, they are still people, very capable of looking after children.

Should they be allowed to adopt?

Gender at six weeks

New tests have been developed, that can be done at home... to tell the gender of the baby at only six weeks.

This is extraordinary technology, as most couples find out at twenty weeks on average. But should these tests be allowed? Many people are asking for them to cease in circulation as couples are expected to find out the sex at six weeks, and terminate the foetus if it is not the sex that they wanted.

At twenty weeks you cannot terminate, and it is much healthier as you would have to accept the sex of the baby which you were given. This is much more natural.

So should these tests be taken off the market? have those few that have been abusing the tests ruined it for all other couples that are expecting?


Should conscription be brought back?

Conscription meant that when youngsters left school they had to serve a certain amount of time in the army. Conscription was abolished after the war as it was no longer needed.

But would bringing it back help to make youngsetrs behave and help show them how to respect people?

Or is that against human rights? Is it sexist as only men were conscripted?

Is it completely a bad idea or should it be brought back?

Evolution in schools

Should evolution be taught in schools? there were 'Monkey trials' years ago, when the church challenged scientists for teaching evolution. Scientists won, with proof whilst the church could just give beliefs.

So should it be taught?

The fact is, that evolution has been proven with fossils and other things, but religion goes against it. Evolution is completely against the idea of adam and eve, so should children be taught it? Is this encouraging atheism?

Hitting Children

Should parents be able to 'slap' their children or harm them in any way?

Is that child abuse? Does it encourage them to do serious damage?

Should they be able to his their children in private to keep away from humiliation? Is it fair to say that they are child abusers for 'clipping them around the ear' like they would have years ago?

Is their any other way to stop your children from misbehaving? Do they listen to just being shouted at? But does this make it right to harm them physically and would that lead to harming them emotionally?

How far can you go before it's abuse.


Should people with incureable or terminal illnesses be allowed to kill themselves?

Should they be allowed to have an 'injection' to put themselves to sleep if they do not want to go through the pain that they are going to.

Should people that are going to become unable to look after themselves be able to be 'killed' so that they do not have to suffer if they sign paperwork to do so?

Or, as it is religiously, would you class it as wrong and rather have them harm themselves with drugs and knives than be put to sleep on their own terms?

Should assisted suicide be a crime? Is it murder?

Age of Smoking

The current age to smoke in the UK is sixteen, while youngsters are still at school.

Should it be made eighteen like the drinking age currently is?

Many clerks in shops cannot tell a sixteen year old from a thirteen year old as it is very hard to tell these days. Females wear make up and clothes that make them hard to tell from an eighteen year old, nevermind a sixteen year old. And on the other hand, males are becoming taller, making some look of age as soon as they turn twelve!

Should it be made eighteen so that people can't use the 'I couldn't tell they weren't 16' excuse? Eighteen year olds are more likely to carry around I.D (I.e driving liscences)

Smoking is harmful anyway, so should it be raised to try to be a deterent?

Or should we leave it. if you aren't allowed to smoke, would that act as a reason to make it 'cooler'.

Since mobile phones and iPods, smoking has been in decline for teenagers because it is no longer the 'cool thing' would making the age higher reverse this?

Seal clubbing in Canada

Should it be allowed and encouraged by the government?

Should it be made illegal?

People are encouraged to 'club' seals in Canada as their numbers are too high. Many people believe that their numbers are harming the environment and the lives of other animals. Does this mean that they should die? Who are we to say whether one creature should live or die, are we playing god?

If they were uglier creatures rather than cuter ones, would we even care about them? Or have we adapted a nice feeling about this such creature.

Should it be illegalised or encouraged?

Head Scarves

Should they be able to be worn?
You could not go into a shop wearing a balaclava, why is this any different?
Passport photo's with them on, you can't even tell who the person is.

On the other hand, it is their religion and against their rights to ask them to remove them..

What do you think?

Is it fair that they are exceptions to British law?

DNA on file

Should DNA samples be compulsary? Should babies fingerprints and DNA be taken at birth so that criminals can be caught straight away? Or is this a violation of human-rights?

Should it be taken so that rapists, murderers and other criminals can be caught easily by the police or is that wrong?

At the moment it cannot be taken unless a crime is committed because it violates human rights. People also believe it would be like watching your every move, almost an in-life 'Big Brother' situation.

What do you feel?

Cannabis Legalisation

Should Cannabis, Marijuana, be legalised?

It already is in many countries, including Holland. So should the UK follow in those footsteps?

It is the most used drug in the UK, with 1/10 people using it. This means over 6million people, right?

The effects are debatable, and it is not a drug with an extreme effect, yet many long term effects.

Many effects are given with alcohol too.

So should it be legalised? Government could then tax this and other taxes could be lowered. Laws could be introduced to breathalise drivers just as they are with alcohol. It is said to be less harmful than smoking natural cigarettes.

Should it be legalised?

Same-sex marriages

Should they be allowed?

Should homosexuals be discriminated against?

Religiously, same-sex marriages are wrong. But with society today, things are changing. Homosexuals are more accepted in the general public, it is almost seen as normal.

Homosexuality is now said to be a biological thing, something that cannot be helped.

So should they be discriminated against?

Should they not be allowed to marry? Or should we give them the chance to show other's that it is a rspectable way to live? They are in love just as a man and a woman would be.

Legalised Prostitution

Debates are currently going on as to whether prostitution should be legalized. Should it?


- The government could give prostitution liscences and you could know that the person you are sleeping with has been tested for STD's.
- Jail cells wouldn't be as overcrowded.


- Prostitution is not a real way to live, it is not respectable and has been considered a terrible 'career' for years.
- Sex for money, is immoral.

... Personally I believe - No. It should not.

Gender equality?

Over the known years, man has been classed as 'superior' to women. Women are only just coming into their rights, rights to vote, rights to work. men have been able to rule the world for thousands of years.

Should this be right?

Kings have powers above queens, women take their husbands names during marriage. Always have.

Is this equal? Men are stronger physically, does this mean they are stronger mentally?

Women are actually scientifically believed to be the most mature and most intelligent at young ages. They are said to behave better in mixed gender schools.

Does this show that men should be superior to women? Should women be superior to men? Should everything be equal and everyone be given the same chances in life?


Should abortions be allowed? Should it be made illegal? Are they morally correct?

Many people are against abortions, whether for religious beliefs or because of the fact that they believe it is immoral to end a human life.
There are people that believe abortions should only be allowed within the first trimester, rather than up to the second. Because during the second trimester, there is no doubt that the foetus is human.
Other's believe that abortions should only be allowed if there is a medical reason, and something wrong with the mother or child.

Other's believe that it is the complete decision of the mother as the law currently stands.
Is this fair on the child or even the father?

Father's have no say in the matter, is this correct or should they be allowed to comment in the decision by law?

Should abortions be illegalised aotogether?
Should they be left as they are?

Mobile phones in schools?

In many schools, children have been banned from taking mobile phones with them. Yet in others, they encourage it. What are your views?

Many teachers argue that children sit sending texts, playing games and even making calls in their lessons. This causes a disruption from their teaching and causes children to miss out. They say that confiscating the phone does not simply do the job as they are often argued with and cannot obtain the phone.

Other teachers suggest that youngsters need the phones in case of an emergancy. I know that when i was in school i contacted my parents almost daily. Whether to confirm times for being picked up or to simply let them know you would be late home.
What if there is a real emergancy? Would any of the teachers on the con side of children having mobile phones, be able to live with themselves if one child was harmed because they couldnt get hold of someone for help?

Movie Reviews

The Simpsons.

Tell us what you thought about The simpsons Movie, released on the 27th July in the UK.

Personally, i was highly disappointed with it. I thought that it needed alot more to keep up with the standards posed from the Television show. The simpsons was watched just because people had seen the show and wanted to watch the film. It was funny at parts but hardly good enough to be an independant Movie. If it weren't for the show, it would not have got an audience.

Age of Consent

The government in the UK are receiving pressure, which is being debated on radio stations and in legal offices, to lower the age of consent.

Personally i think that this is awful. The current age of consent is 16 in the UK..

The reason that they want the age of consent lowered is because men in clubs are saying that young women are not giving out their real age and are saying, 'I am sixteen' when they are thirteen and above. After sex, this leaves the men liable for rape charges and to be put on the sex offenders register.

Do you agree with lowering it to thirteen?

Would this pose the problem of 'I cannot tell an eleven year old from a thirteen year old'?

Would you rather raise the age of consent?

Let us know.

Killing animals for Fur.

Do you think that animals should be killed just for their fur?

Or is this just cruel?

Personally, i believe it is completely pathetic to kill an animal for it's skin, it's tusks, anything at all. Just because humans are at the top of the FOOD chain does not mean that they should kill innocent animals for fashion! It's completely pathetic.

What are your views?