Friday 24 August 2007


Should abortions be allowed? Should it be made illegal? Are they morally correct?

Many people are against abortions, whether for religious beliefs or because of the fact that they believe it is immoral to end a human life.
There are people that believe abortions should only be allowed within the first trimester, rather than up to the second. Because during the second trimester, there is no doubt that the foetus is human.
Other's believe that abortions should only be allowed if there is a medical reason, and something wrong with the mother or child.

Other's believe that it is the complete decision of the mother as the law currently stands.
Is this fair on the child or even the father?

Father's have no say in the matter, is this correct or should they be allowed to comment in the decision by law?

Should abortions be illegalised aotogether?
Should they be left as they are?

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